Work Experience

Work Experience 12A & 12B are both 4-credit courses that enable you to experience 100-120 hours of on-site job training in a cooperative partnership between the student, the school and the employer.  This opportunity is open to all grade 11 and 12 students.

Benefits of Work Experience:

  • Make future decisions based on a realistic understanding of the workplace
  • Develop qualities and skills that are transferable to employment and career development
  • Obtain references and contacts for future employers
  • Develop self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Support the transition from school to work, Youth Work in Trades or further education

If you are  interested in signing up for a work experience course or setting up a job shadow for a day or two, visit the Career Centre during block C and speak with Ms. McDiarmid

Join WEX

This survey is being used to connect with senior Vic High students who may want to join a full-year, self-paced course called WEX12A. To pass WEX12A, students must already have paid or volunteer employment, and be able to complete 100+ hours of paid or volunteer work by June 15, 2024. Students must also submit 8 (mostly brief) assignments, self paced, over the school year. The course work in WEX12 focuses on safety, training, and sharpening the transferable skills practiced at entry level jobs to contribute to one’s long term career success in any future fields of interest. All coursework is available via hard copies in the Career Center, or on the WEX12 Google Classroom. Participants will be supported by Ms. McD via the Career Center.

You can either click here or fill out the form below to join WEX